California Quail on the Lookout
Parksville, BC

Little Bird
Anna's Hummingbird

Red-winged Blackbird Perched on a Bulrush
Errington, Vancouver Island, B.C.

Cry of a Red-winged Blackbird

Hanging On
Female Red-winged Blackbird

Robin Resting in the Grass
American Robin

Strolling through the Grass
American Robin

Singsonging Tree Swallow
Could he be the swallow that caught the attention of the "Look of Love?"

The Look of Love
An adorable Tree Swallow perched on the edge of a pier at Burnaby Lake, B.C. These blue and white song birds are graceful and acrobatic when in flight.

Tree Swallow in Flight
Burnaby Lake, B.C.

Purple Martin in Flight
French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C.

Watching the World from my Perch
White-crowned Sparrow

My Fair Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow

Perched Anna's Hummingbird

Foraging Starlings
Parksville, B.C.

Parksville, B.C.

Red-winged Blackbird
Boundary Bay, B.C..

Wee Wings a flutter
An Anna's Hummingbird perched on the branch of a tree with its wings a flutter.

Perched Hummer
Anna's hummingbird perched on a tree branch at Englishman River, Vancouver Island, BC.

Oh my what a long tongue you have!
An Anna's Hummingbird with its tongue extended. Their tongues match the length of their bill enabling them to feed on
nectar-rich flowers

Preening Barn Swallow

Tree Swallow in Flight

Never Mind Her!
A trio of European Starlings perched on a wire with one stealing the show

Starling Trio
European Starlings perched on a wire in Vancouver, BC.