Ready for Action
French Creek

Resplendent in Flight
Qualicum Beach

Eagle Conversations
Qualicum, B.C.

Perched in a Pine Tree

Eagle on Alert
Qualicum, B.C.

Predator in Flight

Wings of an Eagle

Eagle on Parksville Beach

Eagle on the Hunt

In Search of Prey
Juvenile Bald Eagle

Soaring with the Wind

Peering Below
Bald Eagle

Magnificent Wings
Bald Eagle, Parksville

Fierce Beauty

The Art of Landing
Bald Eagle, Parksville, Vancouver Island

Gliding Eagle

Eagle by the Seashore
Parksville Beach

Keeping Watch
Parksville, Beach

A Most Entrancing Eagle
French Creek

Eagle by the Seaside
Juvenile Bald Eagle perched on a boulder.

Wings Wide Open
A Juvenile in flight, Parksville, B.C.

Landing Announcement
Bald Eagle, Nanoose Bay

Standing Watch
Juvenile Bald Eagle at Little Qualicum Estuary

Balancing Act
Juvenile Bald Eagle at Little Qualicum Estuary

Regal Beauty
Close up of Bald Eagle showcasing the raptors elegant beauty and character.

Eagle in Flight
over the blue ocean waters of Parksville Bay

Elegant Fisher
A Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight with wings extended while grasping a herring with its talons.

Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight
over a grassy beach area in Boundary Bay, BC, Canada.

Juvenile Bald Eagle drying its wings

Cry of an Bald Eagle
A Bald Eagle crying from its perch on a tree branch. Surprisingly the cry of an eagle is far less fierce than the bird itself.

Bald Eagle in Flight

Bald Eagle in flight
Profile view of a Bald Eagle in flight showcasing the intricate beauty of its wings.

Bald Eagle perched upon a branch

Portrait of a Golden Eagle

Sitting Pretty
Juvenile Bald Eagle perched on a tree branch in Brackendale, B.C..

Juvenile Bald Eagle
An attentive Juvenile Bald Eagle surveying the area from its perch on a tree branch.

Keeping Watch
A Juvenile Bald Eagle keeping a watchful eye from its perch on a tree branch.

Nesting Eagle
An eagle in flight carrying a branch in its talons.

Bald Eagle in Flight
Searching for aquatic prey

Unexpected Catch
Bald Eagle with seagrass

In Search of Prey
Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight, Boundary Bay, B.C..

Preparing to Dive
A Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight readying for its turn as it prepares to dive with talons ready to grasp the catch of the day.

The catch
An eagle in flight with a herring held in its talons.

The beauty of a Bald Eagle in flight
with its wings curved as it ascends.

Catch of the Day
Bald Eagle in flight grasping a fish head within its talons

Wings Aloft
Bald Eagle in flight with its wings spread wide

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Wings Wide Open
Juvenile Bald Eagle in Flight