A seal pokes its head above calm, rippling blue water appearing curious and alert. The gentle waves reflect the soft light, creating a serene scene.


A Sea Lion (pinniped) breaks through the shimmering golden water, highlighted by the rising sun at French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C..

In a Sea of Silver and Gold

A seal's head emerges from the tranquil waters of French Creek, with gentle ripples radiating outward. The serene setting features soft, muted colors reflecting a calm atmosphere.

Hello World

A seal peeks its head above the calm blue water, creating gentle ripples around it. The serene surface of the water reflects subtle hues of the sky.

Morning Swim

French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C.

A Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus) surfacing from the waters of the Salish Sea.


French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C.

A young Harbour Seal (common seal) peeking out at the world from the waters of the Salish Sea coloured a Caribbean as a result of a herring spawn at Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, B.C.

Seal in a Sea of Blue

Qualicum Beach, B.C..

A sea lion basking in the sun while floating in Caribbean coloured green-blue waters at Qualicum beach, Vancouver Island, B.C.. The colours of the ocean are a result of a herring spawn.

Taking it Easy

Qualicum Beach, B.C.

A Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus) surfacing as it swims through the waters of the Salish Sea, French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C..

The Stellar Glide

French Creek, B.C..

Portrait of a Stellar Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus) reflected in the calm waters of the Salish Sea, Vancouver Island, B.C.. Stellar Sea Lions use their whiskers as a navigation system when swimming through ocean waters.

 Stellar Sea Lion
Swimming in the Salish Sea

A California Sea Lion sneaking a peek at the world (Pinneped) as it navigates the waters of Georgia Strait in French Creek, British Columbia

Here's looking at you babe! 

A California Sea Lion sneaking a peek at the world as it navigates the waters of Georgia Strait in French Creek, British Columbia.

A baby Harbour Seal (common seal) peeking out at the world with curious eyes while swimming in the blue ocean waters of Burrard Inlet in Vancouver,BC.

Precious Moments in Nature 

A baby Harbour Seal peeking out at the world with curious eyes while swimming in the blue ocean waters of Burrard Inlet in Vancouver,BC.

A baby Harbor Seal (common seal) peeking out at the world from the ocean waters of Burrard Inlet on Vancouver's North Shore.

The Gaze

A baby Harbor Seal peeking out at the world from the ocean waters of Burrard Inlet on Vancouver's North Shore.

A young Pacific Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina) peeking out at the world with curiosity, reflected in still blue waters of the Salish Sea at French Creek, Parksville, Vancouver Island, BC.

Curious Seal Pup

French Creek, B.C..

Portrait of a young Pacific Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina) reflected in still blue waters of the Salish Sea at French Creek, Vancouver Island, BC.

Seal Pup Reflection

French Creek, B.C.

A young Pacific Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina) navigating the blue waters of the Salish Sea at French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C.. Their big brown eyes never fail to capture my heart...

Navigating the Salish Sea

A Seal Pup swimming in the blue waters at French Creek

A Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina) navigating the waters of the Salish sea which reflects the soft colours of a beautiful pink and blue morning sky, French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C..

Dawn Dip

A young Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina) reflected in the calm waters of the Salish Sea at French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C..

Morning Swim

A California Sea Lion ( zalophus californianus) swimming in the Salish Sea with its mouth open and teeth showing, French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C.. The sea lion is looks like it is smiling and reflected in the beautiful blue water.

Smiling Sea Lion

Sea Lion, French Creek, B.C.

Portrait of a California Sea Lion ( Pinneped) This critter was hanging around a fishing boat at French Creek, likely waiting for an errant fish scrap.

Portrait of a California Sea Lion 

Reflected in the waters of French Creek

A California Sea Lion ( zalophus californianus) swimming in the ocean waters of the Salish Sea with one eye closed. The Sea Lion is wearing a water moustache just a moment before diving into the depths of the ocean waters at French Creek, B.C..

Sea Lion Freestyle
French Creek, B.C..

Three California Sea Lions ( zalophus californianus) dusted with milt and floating contently in the blue green waters of the Salish Sea during the herring spawn, Bowser, Vancouver Island, B.C..

Sea Lions Lazing About

Bowser, B.C.

A pair of California Sea Lions (Zalophus) vocalizing in the blue green ocean waters in Bowser, Vancouver Island, B.C., after the remainder of their raft took off for greener waters. The beautiful colour of the water is due to the herring spawn.

Hear Us Roar

California Sea Lions during the herring spawn, Bowser, B.C..

A lone California Sea Lion (Zalophus) swimming in the blue green ocean waters in Bowser, Vancouver Island, B.C., after the remainder of its raft took off. The beautiful colour of the water is due to the herring spawn and a result of the male herrings milt

Wait for Me

A California Sea Lion during the herring spawn, Bowser, B.C..

A Pacific Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina) swimming in the still blue waters of the Salish Sea at French Creek, Parksville, Vancouver Island, BC.

Seal in Still Blue Waters
Pacific Harbour Seal

​A young sad looking Harbour Seal peeking out at the world from the waters of Burrard Inlet in Vancouver, BC.

A young Harbour Seal peeking out at the world from the waters of Burrard Inlet in Vancouver, BC.

An adorable young Pacific Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina) peeking out at the world beyond from the blue waters of the Salish Sea at French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C..

Peeking out at the World
Harbour Seal at French Creek

Portrait of a California Sea Lion (Otariinae) peaking out from blue ocean waters at French Creek in Parksville, Vancouver Island, B.C.. She looks like a Little Darling!

Little Darling

Portrait of a Sea Lion at French Creek

A young Stellar sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) floating with one flipper up. This behavior is called sailing and a means for sea lions to regulate their body temperature.

Sailing on the Salish Sea
At French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C.

A Stellar sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) swimming in the waters of the Salish Sea at French Creek, Parksville, B.C.

Swimming the Salish Sea
A Stellar Sea Lion

A Sea Lion (Otariinae) swimming through the silvery waters of the Salish Sea, Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada.

Sea Lion upon a silvery sea
At French Creek, Vancouver Island, B.C.

A bob of seals (Pinnipedia) including a few seal pups hanging out on a sand bar at Little Qualicum Estuary, Vancouver Island, B.C..

Seals Hanging Out

Little Qualicum Estuary

A breaching Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Salish Sea off the east coast of Vancouver Island near Parksville, B.C..

High Breach
Humpback Whale breaching in the Salish Sea

The fluke of a Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) seen above the waters of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of

Fluke of a Humpback Whale
The fluke or tail of a humpback whale is often used to identify individual whales

A breaching Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) emerging from the blue ocean waters with water cascading off its pectoral fin. Photographed off the Pacific ocean off the coast of Mexico on Riviera Nayarit near Chacala.

Breaching Beauty
A Humpback whale with ocean waters cascading off of its pectoral fin.

A breaching Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) emerging straight up from the blue ocean waters of the Pacific ocean off the coast of Mexicos Riviera Nayarit.

Breaching Humpback Whale
A straight up breach

A breaching Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) emerging from the blue ocean waters of the Pacific ocean off the coast of Mexico's Riviera Nayarit.

Humpback Whale

breaching in the ocean waters off the coast of Mexico's Riviera Nayarit.

A Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) waving its pectoral fin as it breaches in the blue ocean waters of the Pacific ocean off the coast of Mexico;s Riviera Nayarit.

Waving Hello

A breaching humpback whale waving its pectoral fin.

The beautiful splash created by a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)  in the Salish Sea after breaching, Vancouver Island, B.C..

After the Breach
The beautiful splash created by a breaching humpback whale.

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