A Barred Owl (Strix varia) perched on a wire on a road that winds through the forest at Englishman River, Parksville, B.C..

Perched Barred Owl

Parksville, B.C.

A nesting Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus), with one of her owlets peeking out at the world with curiosity.

Mother Owl with Owlet

The beauty of a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) as seen, close up in profile view. These beautiful birds are named for their ear-like tufts of feathers which also resemble horns.

The beauty of a Great Horned Owl
As seen, close up in profile view

A Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) standing guard on her nest. She's a beauty!

 Standing Guard  
A Great Horned Owl standing guard on her nest. She's a beauty!

A Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) sleeping while standing guard on her nest, Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada.​

Sleepy Mama

A Great Horned Owl catching a few winks while standing guard on her nest.

A Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) sleeping while perched on the edge of her nest, Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada.​

 Mama Owl 

A Great Horned Owl asleep while perched on the edge of her nest

Portrait of a Great Horned Owlet (Bubo virginianus) with its wings extended as it flap it wings while perched on the edge of its nest.

Wings up
A Great Horned Owlet with its wings extended as it flap it wings while perched on the edge of its nest.

A Great Horned Owlet (Bubo virginianus) testing its wings from its perch on the edge of its nest.

Watch me fly
A Great Horned Owlet testing its wings from its perch on the edge of its nest.

A Great Horned Owlet (Bubo virginianus) displaying the beauty of its wings while perched on the edge of its nest.

Wings of silver and gold
A Great Horned Owlet displaying the beauty of its wings while perched on the edge of its nest.

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