Perched Barred Owl
Parksville, B.C.
Mother Owl with Owlet
The beauty of a Great Horned Owl As seen, close up in profile view
Standing Guard A Great Horned Owl standing guard on her nest. She's a beauty!
Sleepy Mama
A Great Horned Owl catching a few winks while standing guard on her nest.
Mama Owl
A Great Horned Owl asleep while perched on the edge of her nest
Wings up A Great Horned Owlet with its wings extended as it flap it wings while perched on the edge of its nest.
Watch me fly A Great Horned Owlet testing its wings from its perch on the edge of its nest.
Wings of silver and gold A Great Horned Owlet displaying the beauty of its wings while perched on the edge of its nest.